Believe You Can And Do It

Believe you can and do it! The hardest thing I have ever had to do was to believe I can do it, to believe in myself.
Believe you can and do it. Believe in yourself. They all sound so simple right until they are not. I mean all you have to do is just have faith in yourself, in your abilities, that you can do whatever you set your mind to do.

You can be whoever you want to be. You can do whatever you want to do. The only person stopping you is yourself. The only limitation you have is yourself. They all sound simple, I mean the only tool you need to achieve all of the above is in you.
So all you have to do is do.
It may sound or seem like the easiest thing to do in life. But believe me when I say it is pretty much harder than it sounds. It becomes more difficult to believe if you have nothing to believe in, especially if you have lost yourself and your faith. When it seems you have lost everything, or if you have actually lost everything. When you have tried everything but nothing is working out for you.
At this time, believing in yourself is the hardest task if not the most impossible task to achieve. And saying I believe in me, or I believe I can do it over and over alone might not actually work.
When the storm of life hit me and my family, like always we found a way to be grateful for the gift of life. I was thankful that the storm didn’t take my life. But what I didn’t do was heal, really heal. I was ignorant and confident in my ignorance.
I thought since I survived then it was over. But that small light I thought was victory brought me to my knees.
The most important thing to do when life hit you hard is to first embrace the storm, your trauma, or your loss. Oftentimes, we try to distance ourselves from it. We try to forget and ignore.
What we actually need to do is to embrace the sadness, the pain, and the despair. But don’t get crushed or carried away in the process. Do not be swept away by the ocean of despair. I know it can be terrifying, so you need to be courageous.
Then you can now shift through and leave the ones that should be in the past in the past, and move on. You need to embrace the new you and accept that the person you were in the past might not be the person you will need now.
Then you need to find something in this new person in you that you can hold on to.
Before you can believe in yourself, you need to find something in yourself to hold on to and believe in it.

In my own case, I lost everything I was. I couldn’t be the person I wanted to be. But there was one thing I was at first proud of in myself and that was my head, my mind, my memory. I still have them.
So, I believe in them.
Think hard of one thing or more in you, about you, something uniquely you, and hold on to it. That one thing in me birthed this blog and the other three. Since then I have done so many other things I didn’t think possible. I even started a business that helps small businesses to grow their business using the power of storytelling.
And now, you can also believe you can, and do it!
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